The weather is starting to change. I left work at 5:30 and it felt wonderful outside, 3 minutes later on my way home it was pouring down raining and very cold all the sudden. I walked after dinner it was cold ,damp, & dark. The wind was stinging my face but I did it. The temperature is suppose to drop 20 degrees tomorrow. If it's cold I'll walk at the mall. I have discovered pod cast and they make them in every subject there is. Right now I'm listening to scrapbook pod cast so it makes walking easy. Sometimes I walk a little further to finish listening to my pod cast. The best part is they are free. Find a subject you like through
itunes, download it on your
ipod and you have hours of entertainment. I've been working on my Christmas cards. I have them designed but, I still need to put them together. Right now I'm ahead of the game. I had to purchase my gift wrap before I could make my cards & tags so they would coordinate. I still need to find ribbon but, the hard part is out of the way. Purchase a few gifts, throw up a tree, & poof it's all done. Well it sounds good anyway. Did you know an average household in America will mail out 28 Christmas cards each year and see 28 cards return in their place.
weight 147.8
temp 62
humidity 56%
11,787 steps or 5.95 miles
calories burned 415